Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Murder Mystery Dinner

Bunko Night

Once a month for the past four years a bunch of us girls get together for a girls night out. For the first year or so we faithfully played Bunko so we coined the night out as "Bunko Night." Well, the game got old and we decided whoever was hosting for the month would decide the theme of the night. Of course the month that I decide to host (it was hosted by Vesta and myself) a hurricane evacuation was pending! But it didn't stop us from having our night out. The theme of the night was a Murder Mystery Dinner. We all dressed up to be in character and since Vesta and I knew the plot of the story we just filled in and played the role of the CSI/PI. I've got to admit, when Donny was setting up the crime scene on the porch it was a little freaky. He had Kendra lay down and he taped around her body for our "dead" body outline. It was the shortest judge ever!! The night was alot of fun and was a great way to forget about bad weather, etc. for a few hours!