Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Feast or Famine

Okay, so our family blog has a "feast or famine" theme. I either don't post anything for a few weeks or I post 5 or 6 updates/events all at once. I posted a bunch last night so you have to keep scrolling down to see all the things that we have been doing.

Quick Easter Photo's

Since we took so many pictures at the temple the day before Easter I didn't feel hard pressed to get too many the next day. But I did remember to snap a few pictures of the bunny feet and baskets before running out the door for church
Jasper got a little missionary doll in his basket. When I saw the doll in the bookstore I couldn't resist, the doll even has a little name tag that says Elder.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter 2009

The Easter Bunny hid eggs early so we could head to Houston. Poor Jasper didn't stand a chance...
Jasper's thinking: Oh, what's this? J: Looks edible but so does the grass
Kendra:"Hey, you have MY eggs and CANDY"
Aftermath of big sister

Houston Temple

After listening, well let me rephrase that... after attempting to listen to conference we decided to take the kids to the temple and let Kendra "touch" the temple. I tried to tell her about the temple and tried to get her to "be sweet." I am going to admit it right now, there were a few moments when I had my doubts... I think it was when Kendra almost fell into the fountain or when Jasper almost fell off the bench. But it turned out to be one of the best days we have all had together. I took my little sister as my car-babysitter (which really worked out). After about an hour walking the temple grounds we went to the bookstore and then of course headed to Pappasito's. It has been a tradition of Donny and myself to eat there after we go to the temple. Historically we are alone but I have to say that everyone was really good (no spilled drinks, no screaming baby, you know the usual stunts that kids pull in public).

Hilton-Reed Birthday Party

I took Kendra and Jasper to Joseph and William Reed's birthday party and to say the least it was a "Big H." There were so many 4 year olds running around getting their faces painted, riding a go-cart with Irene, and a pinata and and and... I know, Judith did a great job... I won't even go into detail about the 2# goody bags we left with!
Rui Correa Ella Packard

A pretty day in March

One day last month it seemed like our entire yard was blooming so we went outside in an attempt to get "pretty pictures." Yea right, the best thing I got was a hilarious video of the kids both crying and Kendra saying "NO MORE MOM." I can wish for that perfect photo, right?

Cinderella Ballet

We went to see the Beaumont Ballet's Cinderella. Kendra loved it and is still talking about Cinderella. Kendra and her cousin Ella are still going to baby ballet and are LOVING it!

(I stole this picture from AmyLynn, I hope she doesn't mind :). Kendra would not take a picture for me when we were at the ballet.)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

We Met David Archuleta!!!!

Last night was the David Archuleta Show in Beaumont. Donny made shirts for some of the girls that went and they looked so adorable that the Beaumont Enterprise and The Examiner took pictures of them for their papers! You can see them in the Beaumont Enterprise here:

I won't put too many pictures up because the girls will do enough of that :). I will say that he is much cuter in person and SHOULD have won Idol!! That boy can sing!

We waited after the show and met the band and... DAVID ARCHULETA. Of course I was freezing and stood on the side to take pictures while my sister and her friends got his autograph and talked to him. It was really neat for my sister. He told her he really liked her name and asked her where it came from and then wrote on the back of her shirt "To Rockell, Sweet Converse David Archuleta." It is pretty safe to say that she will never wear another pair of shoes again. If you know my little sister, you know she is a die hard Jonas Brother Fan, but after last night she told my mom "Forget them, I'm for David he thought my name and my shoes were sweet!"

The only regret I have about the whole night was not having my shirt made that said "I Love My RM... SERVE"... we can always hope he will serve a mission :)

Shangri La Gardens

We have season passes to Shangri La Gardens in Orange, Texas (thanks to my momma). I took my sister, neices and their good friend there this week. We had a blast!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Pretty as a Princess

Kendra went to her Friend Ashley's Princess Party. All the little girls showed up in their favorite princess attire. I had never curled Kendra's hair before because lets face it, she barely has any. It turned out to be a lot of fun and she LOVED getting all dressed up. She kept telling me "I love Ashley's Birthday and I love her" before we even got to the party. Now everytime she takes a picture she tilts her head and says "princess".

Donny's New Toy

Donny going to Lowes unsupervised is just as scary as me going to Hobby Lobby without kids or anyone to be the voice of reason!!! When I drove up to the house the first thing I see is Donny waving at me with a HUGE grin. Then he yells "I got a Deer!"... Great... was my initial thought... then I realized I better have the best looking lawn on the street! :)

Great Weather

It has been really nice weather. Donny and Jasper had a great time playing in the backyard. Jasper is geting so BIG, I can't stand it!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Missionary in Training

Jasper's Photo Shoot

We went to La La's last weekend. I have to go at least once a month so that my kids get updated photos. This is Jaspers 4 month pictures. It's good to be a LONG!!... connections!

Friday, January 16, 2009

"Quick Trip"

We decided at the last minute to take a "quick" trip to Houston before Donny and I had to go back to work.

First we went to the Aquarium in downtown Houston. Kendra fell in love with the Sea Horses'. I had to take a video so she could watch it later (she wouldn't leave the exhibit until I showed her I got a video of them to watch later).

Then we stayed at a hotel next to the Galleria. Kendra and Jasper had a blast. Kendra jumped on both beds like they were trampolines. Jasper kept wiggling down in between the pillows, like he was hiding.

Finally, the next morning we got up and had a grand breakfast and then headed to the Galleria. The BIG HIT of the day was ice skating! My mom and sister met us there and we all skated and had a great time (of course my mom and Jasper sat out on the sidelines and watched). We had a really good time being together and having lots of food and fun!

2009 Happy New Year! 2009

Jasper was so relaxed! I think he was glad to see 2008 leave... beng born in the midst of a hurricane can be a little traumatic... what am I saying this fat peice of chunk has been living it up!! :)

Now I see a lot of LONG in her :)

Happy New Year, we love you all