Sunday, December 7, 2008

Twilight Mania

This weekend Donny and Rob worked on Twilight t-shirts for us girls. They came out awesome!

They have become quite the Edward Haters and made one shirt so the world would know!!!

Wade designed this one... pretty funny stuff :)


Alisa said...

Hi Natalie! I am just now joining in the Twilight frenzy. My friend invited me to a special showing the night before it opened, and, now, I have seen it 3 times and almost done with the book! Are you going to market these shirts? They are super cute!

Natalie (Id So Rather Be Reading) said...

Yep, Donny has a silkscreening business. This was his gift to some of his neices. We haven't got his website completed yet but we are working on it! The books are great!

Abby said...

Tim needs that fire extinguisher shirt!